Indian Cuisine This page intends to
introduce you to Indian cooking and the different eating habits of the people of northern
and southern India. Indian cuisine is considered to be spicy by many. Most of the Indian
dishes contain a delicate blend of spices in it. After a hard day's work there is nothing
more inviting other than a great tasting dinner with the rest of the family. There are
many festivals around the year . Festivals reminds one of the speciality dish
associated with that particular festival. There are hundreds of speciality dishes
throughout the country. There are many kinds of vegetables and fruits growing in India.
Sometimes, we can find vegetables known only to a particular region of the country. Hence,
we can find great tasting dishes made from those vegetables in that region alone. Indian
Cuisine can be mainly classified into north and south indian cuisine. North Indian Cuisine South Indian Cuisine a four course meal can be served.
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